Tuesday 23 February 2016


great geography animations <b>ox bow</b> <b>lakes</b> and more 3 dec

AS-Formation of meanders and ox-bow lakes | Geography is easy
An oxbow is a crescent-shaped lake lying alongside a winding river. The oxbow lake is created over time as erosion and deposits of soil change the river's course. You can see how an oxbow lake takes shape below:
(1) On the inside of the loop, the river travels more slowly leading to deposition of silt.
(2) Meanwhile water on the outside edges tends to flow faster, which erodes the banks making the meander even wider.
(3) Over time the loop of the meander widens until the neck vanishes altogether.
(4) Then the meander is removed from the river's current and the horseshoe shaped oxbow lake is formed.
Without a current to move the water along, sediment builds up along the banks and fills in the lake

5.The loop continues to bend further and further, until athin strip of land called a neck is created at thebeginning and the end of the meander.

6. Eventually, the narrow neck is cut through by eithergradual erosion When this happens, a new straighterchannel is created, diverting the flow of the river from

7. Deposition finally seals the cut-off from the riverchannel, leaving a horseshoe-shaped oxbow lake.

Tuesday 16 February 2016


The African Executive | Nyerere: Tanzania's Problems are ManagableThe Secretary is crucial to the smooth running of a Management Committee meeting. This involves activities before, during and after Committee meetings.
In order to be effective, the Secretary of the Management Committee should ensure that they carry out the following activities:
Before the Meeting
Consult with the Chairperson on the order of business for the meeting, and the way in which it should be dealt with on the agenda. Decide what business requires discussion and what requires a decision by the Management Committee;
Ensure that the notice of the meeting is given, that suitable accommodation is arranged and confirmed, and that copies of the agenda is prepared;
Circulate to all members (a) any papers to be discussed at the upcoming meeting and (b) a copy of the agenda, minutes of the previous meeting; and
Make sure that any reports or information requested at the last meeting is available or that there is a good reason why not.
At the Meeting
Arrive in good time before the meeting with the minutes and with all the relevant correspondence and business matters for that meeting, in good order.Record the names of those who are present, and convey and record apologies received from those who are absent;
Read the minutes of the previous meeting, and if they are approved, obtain the Chairperson's signature on them;
Report on action or matters arising from the previous minutes. Read any important correspondence that has been received;
Unless there is a Minutes Secretary, take notes of the meeting, recording the key points and making sure that all decisions and proposals are recorded, as well as the name of the person or group responsible for carrying them out. Make sure action points are clear; and
Make sure that the Chairperson is supplied with all the necessary information for items on the agenda, and remind the Chairperson if an item has been overlooked.
After the Meeting
Prepare a draft of the minutes (unless there is a minutes secretary) and consult the Chairperson and most senior staff member (where relevant) for approval;
Send a reminder notice of each decision requiring action to the relevant person; this can be done by telephone, or by an ‘action list' with the relevant action for each person duly marked; and
Promptly send all correspondence as decided by the Management Committee.
Related principles

What is Etiquette ?
Etiquette in simpler words is defined as good behaviour which distinguishes human beings from animals.
Human Being is a social animal and it is really important for him to behave in an appropriate way. Etiquette refers to behaving in a socially responsible way.
Etiquette refers to guidelines which control the way a responsible individual should behave in the society.
Need for Etiquette
Etiquette makes you a cultured individual who leaves his mark wherever he goes.
Etiquette teaches you the way to talk, walk and most importantly behave in the society.
Etiquette is essential for an everlasting first impression. The way you interact with your superiors, parents, fellow workers, friends speak a lot about your personality and up- bringing.
Etiquette enables the individuals to earn respect and appreciation in the society. No one would feel like talking to a person who does not know how to speak or behave in the society. Etiquette inculcates a feeling of trust and loyalty in the individuals. One becomes more responsible and mature. Etiquette helps individuals to value relationships.
Types of Etiquette
Social Etiquette- Social etiquette is important for an individual as it teaches him how to behave in the society.
Bathroom Etiquette- Bathroom etiquette refers to the set of rules which an individual needs to follow while using public restrooms or office toilets. Make sure you leave the restroom clean and tidy for the other person.
Corporate Etiquette- Corporate Etiquette refers to how an individual should behave while he is at work. Each one needs to maintain the decorum of the organization. Don’t loiter around unnecessary or peep into other’s cubicles.
Wedding Etiquette- Wedding is a special event in every one’s life. Individuals should ensure they behave sensibly at weddings. Never be late to weddings or drink uncontrollably.
Meeting Etiquette- Meeting Etiquette refers to styles one need to adopt when he is attending any meeting, seminar, presentation and so on. Listen to what the other person has to say. Never enter meeting room without a notepad and pen. It is important to jot down important points for future reference.
Telephone Etiquette- It is essential to learn how one should interact with the other person over the phone. Telephone etiquette refers to the way an individual should speak on the phone. Never put the other person on long holds. Make sure you greet the other person. Take care of your pitch and tone.
Eating Etiquette- Individuals must follow certain decorum while eating in public. Don’t make noise while eating. One should not leave the table unless and until everyone has finished eating.
Business Etiquette- Business Etiquette includes ways to conduct a certain business. Don’t ever cheat customers. It is simply unethical.

To conclude, etiquette transforms a man into a gentleman.


Set Operations.
The African Executive | Nyerere: Tanzania's Problems are ManagableThe Process of making a new sets from two or more given sets applying some special rules is known as set operations.
If we are given two sets , then there are three standard ways to construct new sets from them. The three operations are called binary set operations , which are as following:
A set that contains all the elements contained by first set (A) and second set (B) is known as union of the two sets (A and B).
We denote union of two sets (A and B) by symbol A B.
For example: if A={1,2,3} and B={3,4,5} Then,
A set whose elements are the common elements of two sets (A and B) is known as the intersection of the sets(A and B).  The intersection of two sets (A and B) is denoted by the symbol A B.
For example: If A={1,2,3} and B={2,3,4} Then AB={2,3}
A set whose elements are all the elements of universal set except a set (A)is known as the complement of the set (A). The complement of a set (A) is denoted by symbol  and read as “A complement”
For example: If A={1,2,3} , B={3,4,5} and C={4,5,6,7} Then , Â={4,5,6,7}
The difference of set A and B is the set formed by a set with all elements of set A that does not belongs to set B. We denote the difference of set A and B by A-B and difference if set B and A by B-A.
For example: If As={1,2,3,4} and B={3,4,5,6} then,
A-B={1,2} , B-A={5,6} , A-A= φ and B-B= φ
Above set operations are shown below as graphical representation in Venn diagram.
In the following figures AB is shown as shaded region:

In the following figures AB is shown as shaded region , in second figure no region is shaded because in the figure AB=Φ

In the folowing figure  is shown by shaded region:
In the first figure below A-B is shown as shaded region and in second figure A-A is shown and no region as shaded as A-A is Φ

The concept of modern mathematics is started with set. Set appears in all branches of mathematics. The main developers of set theory is George Cantor (1845-1915 AD) and presented by zakayo Mong’ateko .
George Cantor                                 https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjtFdRryvygzjq7T0dKZQfhaCw4EXtZyQOFyBLAgAuBp0joWcFXr42KCaL4WT_MiT_M1_56SXur7WQOMjgMTEVxTkb-u_okp57JUF1-UgR3O8-1CqljBB6xaLkdy9sC0Pn5SkpHgkVSA6Fe/s200/DSC04348.JPG
George Cantor                                    zakayo Mong’ateko
The word set is synonym with “Collection” , “Class” or “Aggregate”. Basically set is a collection or organization of similar objects (an object may be material or conceptual). and the objects by which a set is made of  are called elements or member of the set. Some example of set are:
1> The countries of Europe.
2>The solar system.
3>The peoples living in my house.
4>Vowels of the English alphabets. etc.
Sets are usually denoted by capital letters and the elements of set are denoted by small letters. For example : Set A={a,b,c,d} The symbol  \in  denotes set membership and symbol \notin   denotes non membership. For example in set A above, a  \in A but e \notin A , Which means the element “a” belongs to set “A” but the “e” doesn’t.
A set can be denoted or membership of a set may be indicated in several ways. Two common ways among them are:
a> Listing or Tebulation. In this method elements of set are listed , sperated by commas and enclosed inside a bracket. For example: V={a,e,i,o,u} My family={me , my son , my spouse}
b>Description or Rule. In this method a set is specified by enclosing in brackets a descriptive phrase or a rule. For example: V={the vowels of the English alphabet.} N={x:x is a natural number} A={x:x^2-3x=0} In last two examples the respective set is a group of element x , where each value of element x is defined by the respective rule.
Finite and Infinite set:
If a set have a finite numbers of elements then a set is called finite set else the set is called infinite set. For example: D={0,2,4,6,8} A={a,e,i,o,u} The above two sets are finite set while the following sets are infinite one. The set of stars in Universe. D={set of natural numbers}
Null Set:
A set which has no element is called Null set. A Null set is also called Empty set or Void set. It is denoted by symbol ø  For example: A={x:x is a man who gave birth to a child) N={x:xis a natural number , x>0 and x<1 }
To learn more about set theory please browse through our site

Relation between sets.

If , in any condition two or more sets appears in discussion they might have some special relation between each other. There are many types or relation that might occur between two or more sets. Those relations are:
If one set (A) contains  all the elements that another set (B) contains then the second set (B) is called to be the subset of first set (A) , or set B contains set A.
In symbol we write
A B  (A is contained in B) , B A (B contains A)
Both symbols above means that set A is a subset of set B.
A set may have two or more subsets.
For example: If set A={1,2,3,4} Then {1} , {2,3} , {4,1} etc. are the subsets of set A.
*The number of elements a set contains is known as its cardinal number.
*The number of possible subset a set can have is given by the formula 2^s , Where “s” is the cardinal  number  of set A.
*If a set contains all other set that are currently being discussed then the set is called universal set.
Equal set:
Two sets are said to be equal if every element contained by first set is contained by second set and also every elements contained by second set is contained by first set.
equal sets are  sub set of each other.
For example:
If set A={a,b,c,d} and set B={d,a,b,c} Then set A and set B are equal set.
Proper Subset:
If A B and A ≠ B(A is not equal to B) then set A is said to be a proper subset of set B. In other words , A set is said to proper subset of another set if every elements contains by the set in contained by another also but the another one also contains some elements not contained in the first set.
For Example:  If A={1,2,3} and B={1,2,3,4} then set A is a proper subset of set B.
Power set:
A set of all subsets of any set is known as power set. It is denoted by “2^s”.
For example:  If S={a,b} then all possible subsets of set S are :  ø , {a} , {b} ,{a,b}
So , 2^s of set S is [ø , {a} , {b} ,{a,b}]
As told on the note above the cardinal number of  power set is given by formula 2^s where “s” is the cardinal number of any set.
Disjoint sets:
Two sets are said to be Disjoint if they dont have any common element.
For example: The set of boys and the set of girls is disjoint , If set A={1,2} and set B={3,4} then set A and B are disjoint.
Intersecting sets:
Two sets are said to be intersecting if some of elements they have are common in both.
For example: If set A={1,2,3} and set B={3,4,5} then set A and set b are  intersecting sets.

Given two sets A and B, the intersection is the set that contains elements or objects that belong to A and to B at the same time

We write A 

Basically, we find A 
Ç B by looking for all the elements A and B have in common. We next illustrate with examples

Example #1.

To make it easy, notice that what they have in common is in bold

Let A = {1 orange, 1 pinapple, 1 banana, 1 apple} and B = { 1 spoon, 1 orange, 1 knife, 1 fork, 1 apple}

Ç B = {1 orange, 1 apple}

Example #2.

Find the intersection of A and B and then make a Venn diagrams.

A = {b, 1, 2, 4, 6} and B = { 4, a, b, c, d, f}

Ç B = {4, b}

Example #3.

A = { x / x is a number bigger than 4 and smaller than 8}

B = { x / x is a positive number smaller than 7}

A = { 5, 6, 7} and B = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}

Ç B = {5, 6}

Or A 
Ç B = { x / x is a number bigger than 4 and smaller than 7}

Example #4.

A = { x / x is a country in Asia}

B = { x / x is a country in Africa}

Since no countries in Asia and Africa are the same, the intersection is empty

Ç B = { }

Example #5.

A = {#, %, &, *, $ }

B = { }

This example is subtle! Since the empty set is included in any set, it is also included in A although you don't see it

Therefore, the empty set is the only thing set A and set B have in common

Ç B = { }

In fact, since the empty set is included in any set, the intersection of the empty set with any set is the empty set.

Definition of the union of three sets:

Given three sets A, B, and C the intersection is the set that contains elements or objects that belong to A, B, and to C at the same time

We write A 

Basically, we find A 
Ç B Ç C by looking for all the elements A, B, and C have in common.

A = {#, 1, 2, 4, 6}, B = {#, a, b, 4, c,} and C = A = {#, %, &, 
*, $, 4 }

Ç B Ç C = {4 , # }

The graph below shows the shaded region for the intersection of two sets

The graph below shows the shaded region for the intersection of three sets

This ends the lesson about intersection of sets. If you have any questions about t
Note: You might not see some symbols used here is some browsers. We suggest to view this website with “mozilla firefox”

                               Mwl. Zakayo Mong’ateko-


The African Executive | Nyerere: Tanzania's Problems are Managable As the HEAD OF SCHOOL, you can maintain and retain your teachers through
  • Ø  recognising and where possible, rewarding outstanding performers and sanctioning poor performers
  • Ø  respecting colleagues, their rights including their right to privacy especially when handling  private and personal information.
  • Ø  ensuring that subordinates set realistic work targets, monitor performance regularly and encourage them to enhance their competence and skills;
  • Ø  giving due weight and consideration to official views submitted by fellow teachers and  subordinates. for example, improvement of living condition and salary status together with their claims.
  • Ø  being creative, innovative and continuously strive to improve performance by enhancing knowledge and skills to teachers in different fields of administration.
  • Ø  implement policies and lawful instructions given by their Ministers and other Government leaders to your teachers accordingly and not for personal interests.
  • Ø  disengage from any conduct which might impart teachers in their work performance and let your administration biased.
  • Ø  Do not show you teachers any propagation of religious beliefs when performing official duties.
  • Ø  When you will be requested by fellow teachers of your school to clarify or to provide direction on issues arising from laws, regulations and procedures, you’re ought do so promptly, with clarity and without bias.


Ø  Tells the history of the school and are useful historical sources.
Ø  Facilitate continuity in the administration of a school
Ø  Facilitate and enhance the provision of effective guidance and counseling services for pupils in the social, academic career domains.
Ø  Provide information needed on ex-students by higher and other related institutions and employers of labour for admission or placement.
Ø  Facilitate the supply of information to parents and guardians for the effective monitoring of the progress of their children/wards in schooling or performance
Ø  Provide data needed for planning and decision making by school heads, ministries of education and related educational authorities
Ø  Provide a basis for the objective assessment of the state of teaching and learning in a school, including staff and student performance by supervisors and inspectors.
Ø  Provide information for the school community, the general public employers as well as educational and social science researchers for the advancement of knowledge
                                     categories of teachers
 Teachers serve as the guiding force in a student’s life. They are responsible for molding a student’s personality and shaping his/her mental orientation. Teachers deeply impact our lives and direct the course of our future. One cannot deny the influence of teachers in one’s life. In fact, it would not be an exaggeration to say that, till a certain age, out life revolves around our teachers. They are our constant companions, until we grow old enough to come out of their shadow and move ahead on our own. 

Right from the time we embark on our education trip, we come across different types of teachers. Some are friendly, some are strict, and some are the ones we idolize. We also dislike a few, who fail to impress us positively. Students begin to like teachers, according to their own individual preferences. They even classify their teachers into different categories, such as Friendly Teachers, Lenient Teachers, Perfectionist Teachers, Strict Teachers and Funny Teachers. All these classifications for teachers are based on some typical personality traits of the teachers. For ex - some teachers constantly criticize the students, some act like friends, some are fun to be with and so on. Let us explore them in detail.

Friendly Teacher

A friendly teacher, as the very term suggests, acts like a friend for his/her students. A teacher-friend, in fact, combines both the guidance of a teacher and the understanding of a friend. We all, at some point of time, aspire for an understanding teacher. Such a teacher acts like our friend, philosopher and guide.

Funny Teacher

A funny teacher is like a God-sent to the students. Such a teacher always wants to see his/her students smile and make learning a pleasurable experience. They are not clumsy, as most people think them to be. Rather, they are witty and bring in humor in the most subtle form.

Ideal Teacher 

An ideal teacher is the one we respect from our heart. He/she acts as a guide to the students, while not pushing them too much. Such a perfect motivates them and boosts their morale. He/she tries to encourage the students and refrains from criticizing them.

Lenient Teacher
A lenient teacher is easygoing and takes things as they come. He/she is not overly finicky about things, such as doing homework on time or not sitting quietly in the class, etc. Such teachers very well realize that being strict with a child can only make him/her withdrawn. However, this does not mean that one can do anything in the class of a pampering teacher.

Strict Teacher
A strict teacher is very tough on students. He/she always insists on adhering to the deadlines. Such a teacher dislikes any mistakes or carelessness on the part of the students. Students have to be extra cautious under such a teacher. He/she is like a disciplinarian, always keeping students on their toes.
                                 Mwl. Zakayo Mong’ateko